Dumbell Or Kettelbells

I started the workout lifting Dumbbell and Barbell but while Training to my Client I caught up with Kettelbells. I truly believe that kettle⠀bells are some of the most versatile peaces or training equipment you can use.⠀

Because of the way the weight sits away from your hand it produce a completely different stimulus then your typical barbell or dumbbell.⠀

When it comes to power or Olympic movements these can be a great way to bridge the gap between a beginner lifter just getting into power movements and an advanced barbell lifter.⠀Wrist play the key role people with wrist injury should not go with Kettelbells or they should wrap their wrist tightly before working working out with Kettelbells.

I would highly suggesting adding these Kettelbell to your regular or at home gym routine. if you have the availability in you Gym.

Workout For Strength, Stability and Muscle Building.

Muscles , bodybuilding
There’s a lot of debate out there about which exercise build the most muscle.⠀

And while almost every exercise can and will build muscle to some extent. There are a few movements that should never be missing from ANYONES program.⠀


This an essential for building hole body strength and stability and is I primary movement in day to day life.⠀


A staple hip hinge movement. Great for build posterior strength.⠀


Great for building overhead stability and strength you can’t neglect to not pick something up and push it over head. ⠀


We can’t forget to pull something towards you. While day to say life always has us moving forward we neglect to pull things towards us. ⠀

Picking any sort of row movement will fix your poster, keep your shoulders healthy, and build an overall strong physique.⠀

All these move will find in day to day life whenever your picking up something or possibly putting something in a cabinet. You’ll be doing one of these staple movements regardless.⠀

All these movements have amazing variations to them. unilateral, barbell, dumbbell, kettle bell, all these can be great variations to these simply movement patterns.⠀

So never be afraid to pick up some weight and do these staple lifts.⠀

Wether your goal is to build maximal amounts of muscle, lose fat, or just keep a health strong body, you can all benefit from incorporating these movements into your program.⠀


Creatinine ,creatine
Let’s start off by answering the most common question – Is creatine safe?
Yes! Not only is creatine one of the most studied supplements, but our body actually makes it on our own! If you eat fish or really any type of meat, you’re actually taking in some creatine.
In order for our muscles to contract, a phosphate needs to break off the molecule known as ATP in order to create ADP. However, our bodies are not able to use ADP so in order to make ATP, we need to get a phosphate molecule from creatine phosphate (PCr). Having greater amounts of PCr allows us to train at greater levels of intensities and is extremely powerful in improving both strength & power, and increasing muscle mass while reducing body fat.
Creatine monohydrate is the type of creatine that has been the most researched. Taking in 3-5g of creatine per day is effective and does not need to be loaded.
I personally have been using the supplement Pure Rebuild after my workouts which has both creatine & glutamine in it! I do quite a bit of high intensity circuits which includes tons of plyos so this is the perfect supplement to give me the strength, power and endurance to get through these workouts as well as help to rebuild and repair properly.

Facts About Fats

We’ve all done it… blamed curtain foods for the way we looked or assumed that a specific macro was the sole reason people are overweight.⠀

Today there is a never ending debate between which macro is gonna kill us, carbs or fats.⠀

The truth is, nether of these macros are the sole cause of the obesity epidemic in the world. Totally intake of calories, mixed with chronic yo-yo dieting, and in activity are what’s really to blame here.⠀

Wether your eating high fat or high carb your weight loss goal can still be achievable. Just remember that fats are ESSENTIAL for life and should never be fully removed from anyone’s diet.⠀

Here are some facts about fats that you probably didn’t know!⠀

🔹there are 5 types of fatty acids; omega 3, omega 6, monounsaturated, saturated, & trans fats. All of these besides trans fats are healthy and serve there purpose in everyone’s diet.⠀

🔸omega 3 & omega 6 fats can not be produced by the body, therefor must be obtained through a persons diet.⠀

🔹fats are needed for vital process like eye, heart, & brain function. The also play a key roll in growth and development.⠀

🔸some vitamins like A,E,D, & K are fat soluble and without fat the can’t be absorbed into the body. Possibly resulting in vitamin deficiency’s. ⠀

A persons diet can consist of anywhere from 20-40% dietary fat depend on they goal, lifestyle, and food preferences.⠀

But like I said in the beginning, fat does not make you fat and should not be something you strive to avoid.⠀

The mix between high sugar and high fat in a persons diet is gonna be more of a contributor to there poor health.⠀

Hope these facts on fats provided you with some general understanding as to why fats should still be in ANYONES diet protocol.⠀

And be on the look out for more facts about each macronutrient in the future. We’ll be covering the other two here real soon😉.⠀

🍞Carbs 🍞⠀⠀


If there’s one thing we love more than carbs, it’s hating carbs. It feels like I can’t go online without seeing some new hot take on the carbs make you fat debate.⠀

Debate is being kind, because the reality is that there is no debate. The studies have been done. Carbs don’t make you fat. You can even eat them and lose weight. Imagine that.⠀

But why do people lose weight when they stop eating carbs? Because they are removing a food group that previously made up a portion of their daily calorie intake – therefore they have created a calorie deficit – which led to weight loss.⠀

The point is – if you remove any type of food from your diet that you eat and don’t replace it (or replace it with lower calorie options) then you’ll lose weight. ⠀

It comes down to your calories. If you’re in a surplus you will gain weight (regardless of how your macros are divided). You can gain weight (very easily) eating a low carb diet. There is no difference between low carb and low fat diets when it comes to weight loss.⠀

Enjoy your bread.⠀ ⠀⠀

Calories VS Macros

Calories ,
When the doctor recommends you should lose weight what’s the first thing they say?⠀


And yes if you were to cut your calories you would in fact those “weight.”⠀

But there is a MASSIVE difference between WEIGHT LOSS and FAT LOSS. ⠀

“Weight” is made up of; fat, muscle, bone, water, and intestinal mass.⠀

So when an individual loses “weight” they could be losing it from all of these. Vs when weight loss coming from strictly body fat.⠀

This is were MACROS trump CALORIES.🙌🏼⠀

With an understanding of macros you can structure a diet to primary burn body fat and minimize the amount of muscle you lose.⠀

This presents an overall more pleasing physique and enables you to minimize the slowing of your metabolism.⠀

This protocol might look something like, ⠀

🔹Keeping protein optimal – 1g-1.3g per pound of bodyweight⠀

🔸And removing calories from carbs and fats. ⠀

Depending on the individuals goal we can determine which one to subtracted the most.⠀

When it comes to fat loss MACROS always trump CALORIES. Having a better understanding of macros will help you better achieve that ideal physique the desire.⠀

If you wanna learn how to properly structure your diet/macros to give you the best results, ⠀

Comment “MACROS” below and I’ll be more than happy to reach out and discuss how we can get youths best results!!

Top 3 Times To Consume Protein!

Everyone needs protein. Many females tend to not get in enough protein due to the fear of becoming “big and bulky”. Remember that as females, we do not have the same levels of testosterone that males do to put of tons of muscle mass. It also requires years of hard work and consistency to gain sufficient muscle. Eating protein is important at every meal (minimum of 20g) to ensure protein synthesis. However there are 3 crucial times to ensure you’re consuming protein:
1) Breakfast – What does your breakfast look like? Does it only consist of carbs? Ex some cereal, fruit and toast? Eating a meal full of carbs with little to no fat will provide you with energy but may lead to that mid-morning crash. All of these food items are fine to eat but by adding in some protein and healthy fats, you will be kept full and have long lasting energy!
2) Post workout – You just worked out and created these microscopic tears in your muscle. Ensuring you eat protein post workout will help your muscles repair and grow. Eating a meal high in protein with some healthy carbs (avoiding processed/sugary foods) will help your body enter the recovery phase quickly!
3) Before bed – Your body is about to enter a fast. Eating protein before bed can help continuously feed off amino acids all through the night. Greek yogurt mixed with protein is one of my favourites!
Remember that these 3 times are not the ONLY times to be consuming protein. Eating protein with every meal is important!

Quality Food Matters

Food ,health
There a lot of talk in the health & fitness space right now around macros & caloric intake.⠀

IIFYM & flexible dieting have definitely talking the fitness industry by storm lately.⠀

And while I totally agree with the concept behind flexible dieting & IIFYM, there still needs to be some structure around food quality.⠀

Yes you can get shredded off of part tarts and protein shakes.⠀

Yes you can get six pack abs while eating pizza every night.⠀

But what effects your health more then anything? ⠀


Aka whole natural foods loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and high quality protein, fat, and carbs.⠀

What are indicators of good health?⠀

🔸Great hair, skin, & nails.⠀
🔹Natural energy throughout the day.⠀
🔸Little to no inflammation.⠀
🔹No bloating, gas, or upset stomachs.⠀
🔹A naturally lean physique (but not to lean)⠀

All these things can be achieved through quality nutrition.⠀

Yes have the cake during your birthday.⠀

Yes enjoy some ice cream with your kids every know and then.⠀

Enjoy the deep flies appetizer when you go out for date night.⠀

But don’t justify these things everyday just cuz you can get away with it.⠀

These foods should be left for special occasions not everyday cravings. ⠀

Make food quality part of your foundation.⠀

Your body deserves to be fed the highest quality nutrients it can.⠀

Have You Hit The Fat Loss Plateau.

Yep your probably thinking the same thing…⠀

Have been dieting for a couple weeks now, been exercising regularly, everyday you jump on the scale and nothing changes…⠀

W. T. F. 😣⠀

Why does this happen why do we seem to be losing fat effortlessly or consistently but one day it just stops and you aren’t seeming anymore progress?⠀

A couple things could be happening…⠀

1️⃣ you have been dieting for a long time. Yes slow but steady can win the race but dieting needs to be somewhat quick a strategic. Get in to a fat loss phase, crush it, and get out. Most people stay in a fat loss phase for to long. Only promoting plateaus and slows in progress.⠀

2️⃣ you have been making too small of adjustments. Yes a deficit doesn’t cause weight loss but just like increasing calories in incremental amounts can limit fat gain, decreasing calories in incremental amounts can limit fat loss. The body responds to slightly bigger drops in calories with frequent visits at maintenance a little bit better.⠀

3️⃣ make sure you have actually hit a plateau before you go assuming the worst. Weight loss is never linear and there could be a week or two where you don’t see any change. But once you ready to call it quiets on week three you’ll see a huge swoosh in weight come off. I would classify a plateau as 3+ weeks of make adjustments but seeing zero change.⠀

Fat loss plateaus do happen and they can be frustrating. But don’t let them derail you from your ultimate goal. You just gotta stick with it and reassess what you’ve been doing and what adjustments you need to make moving forward.⠀

If you’ve been experiencing a plateau lately shoot me a DM. I’d love to get a call with you and discuss what we can do moving forward to get you over this hump!🙌🏼⠀

How To Loose Fat Without Cardio?

Cardio , fatloss ,
Are you someone that hates cardio? I used to think I needed to do mind-numbing amounts of cardio to lose fat. Follow 👉 @adviceonfitness
Post by 👉 @saltylifts –
I used to strength train 5x week AND do 30-60 minutes of cardio every. single. day 🤭

🤯I was not only beating my body into the ground & not giving it proper rest, but I was miserable.

👀I hated how I looked, I hated the DREADmill and I genuinely thought that doing more & more cardio would change my body.

🖐🏼Fast forward five years… and the only cardio I do is the stuff I enjoy. LOTS of walking, a bike rides outside, an occasional run, dancing in between sets & some boxing/metcon work!

Now I strength train 4x a week & enjoy hobbies that get me moving & focus on walking a shit ton.

👙Here’s what you need to prioritize (in order of importance for fat loss):

✅ Calorie Deficit: Eating less calories than your body needs is the only way to lose fat
✅ Eat Enough Protein: to maintain muscle mass when you’re dieting (so you get toned and don’t turn “skinny fat”) and to recover from workouts
✅ Lift Weights: 2-5x a week! (3-4 is a sweet spot for most people)
✅ 10k steps / day!
✅ Move!! Finding active hobbies you enjoy will keep you consistent and make it a lot more fun.
✅ Patience & Positivity: cause life is crazy & things take a hell of a lot longer than you want them to.

🤸🏼‍♀️Now if you do enjoy cardio, then GO FOR IT! But if hanging out on a piece of cardio equipment leaves you bored & you just genuinely don’t enjoy it, don’t do it!

Cardio is a tool, but diet is QUEEN for fat loss 👸🏼

☝🏼Find what works for you, your lifestyle, habits, & preferences. Not what works for Carol or Karen, but what works for YOU!
⠀ Afterall, this is YOUR journey. Tag a friend below who needs to cool it on the cardio 😎 – Adviceonfitnes